Why We Sweat
Yeah, yeah I know, interesting topic right? Sweat seems to be more of an inconvenience
that anything else, but to be completely honest, your life literally depends on
your ability to sweat. Sweat is one of the body’s primary ways of
regulating body temperature, and trust me, be glad that you sweat at certain
I want to give you a little anatomical background here,
because after all, education is the key to growth! Okay,
off of my soap box and back to the topic of good ol’ sweat. There are actually two different types of
glands in the body that produce sweat.
Each of these glands produce sweat at different times, under different
circumstances, and for all together different reasons. First are the eccrine glands which are found
most commonly on the bottom of your feet, the palms of your hands, and your
forehead. When you get stressed out,
these guys begin to secrete sweat.
Stress causes our body temperature to rise, and these little glands counteract
this increase in body temperature. The
eccrine glands secret the sweat on to the surface of the skin, which is the
largest organ of the body, which then cools us down as the sweat evaporates into
the air.
The second sweat producing glands are the apocrine
glands. These guys respond to the
hormone adrenaline, and they are most commonly found in the arm pits. The apocrine glands produce a thicker form of
sweat and it typically has a slightly more milky appearance.
There are many circumstances that we encounter during our
daily lives that cause one or both of these type glands to produce sweat which
include: being anxious or nervous, working out, being outside on a hot day,
getting a phone call from our boss about a missed deadline, sitting in a sauna,
or getting pulled over by a police officer while running late for work because
you have a deadline you’re about to miss.
Regardless of the cause, the goal remains the same, to reduce the body’s
temperature and prevent damage that occurs from overheating: Think heat
One downside to sweating is that it can lead to dehydration
if you do not replenish those lost fluids, so make certain you drink plenty of
water when outside on a hot day and during your workouts. A very general goal in terms of hydration is
to make certain you’re drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day as an
adult, and to increase this if being outside in the heat or if you are sweating
during a workout.
In Wellness and Love,
Dr. Chris
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