The Amazing Health Benefits of Chard

Let’s face it, sometimes it is hard to get excited about adding more greens to your diet.  Yet, if you know the wellness boosting benefits that many of our green veggie friends provide, you might just find them a little easier to swallow.

One such wellness boosting green power food is the leafy vegetable chard.  It’s often brightly colored stalk makes this little stand out in a crowd and hopefully after you learn the importance of adding it to your diet, chard will find its way on to the tip of your fork. 
So here is the nutritional breakdown: (per one cup serving)
-          35 calories
-          4 grams of fiber (wonderful for digestive health)
-          3 grams of protein (great for repairing muscles after workouts)

Chard is high in wellness promoting antioxidants, which are important in the maintenance of healthy cells and avoiding the negative cell-killing effects of environmental toxins.  It contains a particular type of antioxidant called Betalains, which has natural detoxification properties.  

Chard is also high in vitamins B, K, and C.  In fact, 3 cups of chard contains 100% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K, and just 1 cup gives you twice the amount of vitamin A needed daily.  In addition to the vitamin A, it contains lutein, which is great for eye health and helps to battle against macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in those over 65).

Other wellness boosting minerals found in chard include magnesium and iron.  It is also contains a small amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which is a must for cellular health and function.  So next time you’re at the market, scan the produce section and stock up on chard!  Add it to salads, stir fry, smoothies or toss a cup into your next juice mix.  You’ll reap the health benefits and add yet another constructive step towards living a Wellness Based Lifestyle.

As always, in health and love,

Dr. Chris


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