The Health Benefits of Avocado

I still remember the first time that I tasted an avocado.  I was a senior in high school and the avocado was a part of a fruit bowl still life prop that my art teacher set up for us to paint.  Afterwards, we enjoyed the fruits and I could not wait to taste this funny looking fruit (yes avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable).  

From that day forward, I was hooked, but I had no idea at that time how healthy that avocados are, and why they are a must in a Wellness Based Nutrition Plan.  So let’s talk about 10 health benefits in particular.

1.       Avocados are extremely nutritious: They’re a natural source of Vitamin K, Folate, Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B6.

2.       They have more Potassium than bananas: Typically the banana is our go-to food for potassium, but believe it or not, avocados contain a higher amount.  Potassium is important in maintaining  healthy blood pressure, so eat up.

3.       Avocados are a great source of fiber: Fiber is important in maintaining a healthy digestive system, and a 3.5 ounce serving of avocado provides 7 grams of fiber (27% of the daily recommended amount).

4.       They are a great source of Monounsaturated Fats: These are the healthy fats that we need in order for cellular function, heart health, and healthy joints.  The type of fat found in avocados is called oleic acid, which is the same type found in olive oil.

5.       Avocados can help to lower bad cholesterol levels: These days, we have an epidemic of people in the United States that suffer from high cholesterol, which leads to heart disease.  The really great news is that avocados not only decrease the bad cholesterol (LDL), but at the same time they increase the good cholesterol in your body (HDL).

6.       They are important for eye health: They contain 2 nutrients called Zeaxanthin and Lutein, both of which are important in reducing the risk of macular degeneration.  This disease is the number one cause of blindness in people over 65.

7.       They can help with the symptoms of Osteoarthritis: Studies have shown that extracts from the avocado contain unsaponifiables, which is responsible for reducing the symptoms of this type of bone arthritis.  This disease is called Degenerative Disc Disease when it is found in the spine.  As your Chiropractor, I am particularly interested in ways to assist you in reducing the symptoms of back pain and dysfunction.  Eating avocados on a regular basis is one easy way to help.

8.       Avocados could potentially lower the risk of cancer: While the evidence of this is limited, it is encouraging.  There is one study that demonstrated that avocado extract inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells.  Another study showed that they can help reduce the negative effects of chemotherapy treatments.

9.       They could help with weight loss: Studies have shown that avocados help you stay more satisfied, for longer periods of time.  With this being the case, you are less likely to eat foods at times that you do not need to eat.

10.   They help with the absorption of vitamins:  In order for us to absorb the fat soluble vitamins, we need healthy fats in the diet.  What better food to have than the amazing and delicious avocado?

So if these little guys are not a part of your Wellness Based Nutrition plan, then they are a must add.  There are even more health benefits that they offer and they are simple to add into your diet.  They’re great sliced and put on sandwiches or in salads, or you can make your own homemade guacamole. 

In Wellness and Love,

Dr. Chris


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