The Health Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea has become one of my favorite beverages and what's awesome is it's very simple to make at home. I personally use my coffee maker to make an entire "pot" of tea by simply dropping 8 to 10 tagless bags of black tea in the coffee pot after adding 12 cups of water to the maker. Turn it on and let it run it's cycle and there you have it, a pot of hot, fresh black tea. In addition to being extremely easy to prepare, black tea is full of health benefits, making it a great choice for those of us working to live a Wellness Based Lifestyle. Like several other teas, black tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant. Black tea is fermented longer than green tea, which accounts for the darker color. As a result of the longer fermentation process, black tea has a higher caffeine content. Among the health benefits of black tea, perhaps the most important is the high amounts of antioxidants present. Antioxidants help to reverse the detrimental effe...