Easy Steps to Healthy Eating
I am often asked about nutrition and what I consider to be a “healthy” diet. So I’m sharing with you here the nuts and bolts of healthy nutrition. It’s your job to take these nuts and bolts and use them to build healthy meals. Remember that we want to focus on changing eating habits and to work towards establishing a Wellness Based Lifestyle! The list of foods below is the food choices in different categories to choose from when constructing your meals and options to choose as snacks. In order to increase body metabolism, aim to eat 6 smaller meals a day verses 3 larger meals. Each of your meals will ideally be close to the same size in terms of overall calories and proportions. Space them out 2 to 3 hours from each other, but don’t go over 3 ½ hours in between meals. Proteins: Eggs (free range vegetarian fed), lean chicken breast, Wild salmon, tilapia, tuna, flounder, lean turkey breast, scallops, organic tofu, organic tempeh,...