Using Kettlebells for Fat Loss and Fitness

If you have spent any time at all in a fitness gym within the last couple of years, chances are you’ve seen a Kettlebell. While using Kettlebells during a workout has grown in popularity in the last decade, I would not place them in the same category as many of the other “fad” workouts out there. These things have been around since the 1940’s, being used in sports competitions in Russia and areas of Europe since then. Their design makes it easy to incorporate them into many exercises. Their design also makes it easy to create different exercises, which adds to their current popularity. At Prana Chiropractic and Wellness Center, I use Kettlebells often in the personal training sessions I offer. One of the ways I use them in sessions is to add a form of resistance training that focuses on many of the movements that we use during functions of daily living. In terms of living a Wellness Based Lifestyle, it is my position that building streng...