The Power That Created Us, Can Heal Us: Give Yourself Some Credit!
The thing about this statement is it is absolutely true! The power that went into the creation of your body, has the power to heal your body. If you stop and think about it literally, the human body, mind, and spirit as a collective are nothing short of miraculous. The name for this amazing power that exists in each of us is Innate Intelligence and as we move forward in this reading, I will begin to refer to it by this name. To fully illustrate just how powerful that Innate Intelligence is, and just how miraculous each and every one of us truly are, let’s discuss the development of a human being. We all began life as the union of two incomplete cells, an egg cell from our mother and a sperm cell from our father. Now the sheer likelihood of this union alone is pretty unfavorable at best, yet somehow the particular sperm cell made its way to the particular egg ce...